cayla gorsh

24 whilst 24

Ever heard of Workitout100? Well if you havent you definitely should! What is it exactly?

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#Workitout100 is a fun program where you have to workout for 100 days in a row (even active rest days count) that you do each day and commit to it. The program is ran by two girls named Amanda and Laura and their mission is to give you a great base for working out. After those 100 days are up, keep on going! They feel that your health and lifestyle will have changed and you will feel so much better and should feel proud for the 100 day challenge you completed. Which for me I am actually on day 97! (woo hoo!) and I have enjoyed the challenge since the beginning and makes you want to work out and feel better about yourself.

Our mission for this challenge is to give you a great base for working out. – See more at:

Recently the 2 girls decided to come up with a list of goals they want to accomplish while they are at their age as of right now which is 25 and 27. They came up with a list of 25 and 27 goals they want to accomplish before their next birthday. They want to see everyone else’s goals as well so I said why not give it a shot and come up with a list of 24 things myself since I recently just turned 24 on Memorial Day.

24 Things to Complete while I am 24:

  1. Run at least 3 or 4 more 5K races this year. (Already ran 2 5k’s on April 14 and 1 on May 24th and will be running another 5k Race “Race for the Cure” on June 14)
  2. Graduate with my Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communications in December
  3. Run another Color Run! SO much fun getting covered in different colors!
  4. Read at least 2 or 3 more books before Fall Semester begins in August (This shall be easy since I love to read anyways)
  5. Lose at least 5-10 pounds
  6. Get into Yoga more
  7. Meet some of my fellow #TIUSISTERS (
  8. Go to Six Flags
  9. Go to the Farmer’s Market more this summer
  10. Get a REALLY good pair of running shoes so that means save up more money!
  11. Hopefully get engaged lol 🙂
  12. Get another tattoo
  13. Learn to make my own iced coffee from home
  14. Go on more walks on bike path
  15. Pay off bills
  16. Get better at Disc Golfing
  17. Run the Bix7
  18. Try to do one more internship before graduating college in December
  19. Learn to cook more things 🙂
  20. Learn how to French braid hair and fish tail
  21. Spend more time with friends.
  22. Eat more fruit! I love fruit but I just never eat enough like I should.
  23. Go to a few Iowa Hawkeye football games this fall
  24. Go on a fun weekend trip in another state

Creating lists are fun but definitely makes you think! It was hard coming up with 24 things! Now your turn to give it a shot 🙂

Be sure to check out workitout100’s website and be sure to follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!

Amanda and Laura (Work it Out Creators)

Work it Out Facebook Page

Work it Out Twitter Page
Work it Out Instagram Page


Run Forest Run!

Well now that the semester is over with at school and I no longer have to have 2 posts a week, I still wanted to keep this blog running because I enjoy writing about health and fitness even if some people might already know about a certain topic I am writing about.

You can probably tell this post is about running which you are correct. I used to hate running and now I have grown to love it and I am not sure why. I guess it helps get my mind off of things and relieves a lot of stress. I now run about 10-20 miles a week now and I have been preparing myself for MANY 5k races this summer which next weekend will be my third 5K race.

If you are interested in running any races be sure to check out this site that shows all the upcoming races in Iowa

Upcoming ones I will be Participating in:
1. The Wild 5K (May 24)
2. Race for the Cure 5k (June 14)
3. Moonlight Chase 4 Miles (July 12)
4. BIX 7 *Maybe* 7 Miles (July 26)
Those are just a few…. I’d like to do more.

So how do you get into running ? Easy. Anyone can be a runner you just have to take it one step at a time.

All you need are some good running shoes, comfy workout clothes and a place to run whether its outside or inside on a treadmill.

  • If you are new to running, start out by walking. If your body isn’t used to running all the time, take it slow and start off by walking. If you feel you want to run, first walk a few minutes so your legs get stretched out then start to jog after those few minutes.
  • Keep a Running Log: For the past few years every workout I do, I log how long I workout and what I did and how far I have gone.  You don’t need to buy an expensive workout planner, all you need is a notebook and a pen. Track down how far you went (its good to have a pedometer or some sort of fitness app that tracks your steps and/or distance)- Product I use: FitBit to track my distance/steps.
    A great website I also use to track my workouts is: Running-Log.comDefinitely a great site that you can keep track of your workouts. Keeps me motivated too to see how well I am doing.
  • Good Music to run to: Its always good to have music going while you run especially up-beat music. The faster the song the better. A pumped up song makes you want to run compared to a slow song. Keep the volume down lower though especially when running outside so you can hear things around you.
  • Wear Comfy Running Shoes: You want to make sure you invest in a good pair of running shoes to help keep you from an injury. You want to make sure you have comfy running shoes if you are going to be running all the time. Go somewhere and get your feet fitted properly for the right shoe. Here is a great article to read by Runners World that shows how to pick the right shoe for you!
  • Stay Hydrated: Make sure you drink plenty of water before and after your run. Drink at least 16 ounces of water before your run an hour before

Photo Credit:

“RUN often. RUN long. But never outrun your joy of running.” – Julie Isphording

Eat These

Every morning I wake up and when it is time to eat breakfast, I have a handful of almonds with whatever else I am eating for breakfast.

Not everyone likes nuts but you should get in the habit of trying to incorporate some kind into your diet. Nuts are packed with protein, heart-healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.

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Make sure you are choosing the right ones though. Not all nuts are good for you. Some might have too much fat content and could ruin your daily caloric and fat intake.

The Best Nuts to Consume:

  1. Almonds: Almonds are the lowest calorie nut coming in at 160 calories for 23 of them.
    6 grams of protein, 14 grams of fat
  2. Cashews: About 16 to 18 cashews have 5 grams of protein and 13 grams of fat.
  3. Pistachios: For 49 nuts, will have 6 grams of protein and 13 grams of fat.
  4. Walnuts: For 13 walnuts, that is 185 calories with 18 grams of fat and 4 grams of protein

Another great tip is to make sure the nuts are raw and dry roasted. If they are drenched in oil, that’s just adding more fat content.

The Worst Nuts to Consume:

  1. Pecans: 18-20 pecans equals 200 calories and contain 3 grams of protein and 20 grams of fat.
  2. Macadamia Nuts: 10-12 nuts contain 2 grams of protein and 21 grams of fat.

They are still good nuts to consume for the vitamins and minerals, its just the fat content is high and very low protein.


Iowa City hosts first ever Color Your Campus Run

Iowa City held its first 5k Color Your Campus run at the University of Iowa on April 12, 2014.

Nearly 1,200 runners participated (including myself) in the race and since the run was such a huge success the race will be back next year but will be bigger and better!

Check out this slideshow of some great photos I took at the Color your Campus race. It was such a great experience and I can’t wait for the next one to come next year. Also thank you to Color Your Campus, Grant Kamins for letting me use some of the photos taken at the race for this slideshow.
Be Sure to Check out Color Your Campus’s Facebook Page and Follow them on Twitter!

 Want to know How to Prepare for a Race? Well look no further. I made a video on 5 Great Tips for how to prepare yourself for a race.

1. Wear Appropriate Workout Gear
2. Hydrate!
3. Eat a meal high in carbohydrates but low in fat, protein and fiber.
4. Train!
5. Stretch

If you are interested in other types of Color Runs in the Midwest this summer check it out here! There are three other different types of color runs going on in Iowa that are all 5k races : The Color Run, Run or Dye and Color me Rad.

Color Runs in the Midwest

Color Runs in the Midwest


What to Eat Pre and Post Workout

Is it a good idea to eat a meal before a workout or after a workout? The answer is yes but what are the right things to eat before and after?

You don’t want to over stuff yourself before your workout and have an upset stomach as you workout so make sure you eat something light. Also by eating before your workout, this will give you more energy as you are exercising.

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So what are some good things to eat before your workout?

Pre-Workout Snack(s)/Meals/Drinks

  1. Fruit! Have a variety of fruits such as a banana, some berries, an orange, apple. Whatever you prefer.
  2. Peanut Butter & Toast (add some sliced banana on top if you’d like)
  3. Protein Bar (your favorite) Mine would have to be a Luna Cookie Dough Protein Bar
  4. Eggs & Toast: 1 Hard boiled egg with a slice of whole wheat toast
  5. Greek Yogurt
  6. Oatmeal with Fresh Fruit
  7. Coffee

Post-Workout Snack(s)/Meals/Drinks

  1. Protein Pancakes
  2. Whole wheat sandwich with your choice of meat (turkey, tuna, ham, etc)
  3. Chocolate Milk
  4. Eggs
  5. Protein Bar
  6. Quinoa
  7. Nuts and Dried Fruit
  8. Pita with Hummus
  9. WATER!

There are many other great snacks you can have, those are just a few to name off. Just make sure they are low in fat and that you drink plenty of fluids before and after your workout to keep you hydrated. Try to drink at least one or two cups of water at least one hour before you exercise. Also by adding protein to your meal this will help your muscles recover and grow after exercising.

Top 10 Healthiest Colleges in America

College students have a very busy lifestyle and it can be hard to find time to eat right and fit in daily exercise since most students have to go to class and work to make ends meet. But many colleges offer healthy alternatives to food choices and offer fitness programs for a low price at gyms or possibly free entry if you are a student (just like University of Iowa). If you are a student at the University of Iowa, all students have free access to the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center.

Sadly, the University of Iowa did not make this top 10 list of the healthiest colleges in America but in my opinion, I think the University of Iowa is pretty well fit and healthy.

Take a look at the list of the Top 10 Healthiest Colleges in America.


Top 10 Healthiest Colleges in America

Source Credited:

Top 10
1. Bowdoin College
2. Stanford University
3. Virginia Tech
4. Rice University
5. Washington University in St. Louis
6. Brown University
7. Wheaton University
8. Cornell University
9. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
10. Bryn Mawr College


Spring means Farmer’s Market Time

Spring has FINALLY arrived and that means its about time to start going to the farmer’s market to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at great prices since the food will be in season.

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One thing I absolutely love about spring and summer is all the fresh fruits and vegetables that will be sold at the farmer’s market.

In less than a month (opening in May) the farmer’s market will be open in Davenport and in Iowa City, Iowa.

Iowa City does have  a Winter’s Farmers Market open now through April 26th from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. which they do offer fresh produce, handmade crafts and jewelry, prepared foods and baked goods as well as other handcrafted items for sale.

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Iowa City even offers a “Whats in Season” document that shows which types of produce are in season for that certain month. The list provides months May through October.

Location of Davenport Iowa’s Farmer’s Market: 421 W. River Drive, Davenport, Iowa 52801
Location of Iowa City Farmer’s Market: Iowa City Market Place (also known as Sycamore Mall), 1660 Sycamore Street

If you live in another city in Iowa here is a link to a list of all the different Farmer’s Markets all over Iowa!

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How to Make a Perfect Fit Smoothie


How to Make a Perfect Fit Protein Smoothie

Perfect Fit Protein Smoothie Recipe
6 ounces Vanilla (Greek) Yogurt
1 Tbsp Perfect Fit Vanilla Protein Powder
1 Cup Frozen Berries
1 Cup Orange Juice
1 Cup Ice
Add Berries and Ice into a blender. Then add the orange juice, followed by the greek yogurt. Once you have done that add in your tablespoon of protein powder. Put on the lid and blend together until smooth with no ice chunks left. Enjoy!

**If you don’t have the Perfect Fit Protein Powder you can use an alternative kind of protein powder of your choosing.**

If your interested in the Perfect Fit Protein Powder check out the link below:

Smoothies are a great way to incorporate daily vitamins and protein that you need each day and they taste delicious. You can always add other fruits to your smoothie if you would like. Another great fruit to add to this smoothie would be bananas.

HIIT that Workout

Time to get off that couch and get ready for a great HIIT workout. Don’t know what HIIT is? To me, its one of my favorite types of workouts to do. HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training. Which obviously you do high intense workouts in short bursts of time followed by a short resting periods. You have to put all the effort you can into a HIIT workout. If you are into high intense cardio workouts, this one is definitely for you.

I never knew about HIIT until about 3 months ago when I found a program called Tone it Up that is ran by two personal trainers  Karena Dawn and Katrina Hodgson who are also best friends.

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They offer fitness workouts in all different types and their own Nutrition plan that you can join and be a member of and their own brand of Protein powders and protein bars which is called Perfect Fit.

Now that I came across Tone it Up I now incorporate many of their workouts every time I exercise and with so many different ones I never get bored.  Besides being able to follow their videos online they also have two different DVDs of their workouts. Beach Babe 1 & 2 DVDs.

Check out my favorite HIIT workout by them.

Be sure to check out Tone it Up and give it a shot! You will be feeling them sore muscles tomorrow after you workout with Karena and Katrina!

Be sure to follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as well!

Best Snacks for on the Go

We all are constantly so busy we don’t always have the time to eat the right way. I can vow for that. Being a full time college student and working when I am not at school can be hectic and can be hard to find time to fit in eating healthy so it is always good to have healthy snacks with me.

Now I know we can’t always have certain foods with us all the time depending on the temperature, which could make the food go bad. We cant just keep a cup of yogurt with us or healthy deli meats. It would spoil and make your bag smell horrible.

So what are some great snacks to have that are healthy to have with you at all times?

1. Nuts

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  • My favorite would be almonds. They taste great and have lots of vitamins and protein and will help keep you full throughout the day. Just don’t eat too many!
    Other great nuts to have available are: Pistachios, Cashews, Pecans



2. Protein or Granola Bars

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  • Protein and Granola Bars are great snacks for on the go. Make sure to choose ones with carbs and protein (obviously the Protein Bars will have the protein you need)
    My favorites: LUNA Protein Bar (Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough), Any other type of Luna Bars, Natura Valley Granola Bars, Kashi Granola Bars, KIND Bars



3. Fresh Fruit

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  • So many varieties of fruit that you can have is a great snack to keep with you.  Choose any of your favorites!
    My favorites that are easy to carry with me: Bananas, Apples, Oranges, Grapes. I would prefer strawberries but I like cold strawberries so not as easy for me to carry around.
  • **Also if you have an apple and you like peanut butter, bring a small container of peanut butter so you can dip your apple in it if you slice it up! Taste great and you have some extra protein with you including the peanut butter.

4. Cereal

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  • If you don’t mind eating cereal without milk, this is a great snack to have. Easy to carry and easy to munch on. Just make sure you pick a cereal that has some nutritional value to it and not some sugary cereal.
    Good choices: Raisin Bran, Cheerios (Cheerios offers so many different varieties now), Froot Loops, Mini Wheats


5. Tuna Snack Pack

Photo Credit: Starkist


  • Many grocery stores offer tuna snack packs for on the go now. They come with a small thing of tuna, some crackers, small pouch of mayo and some relish for you to mix up on your on and eat on the go. Easy to eat and if you like tuna and crackers its definitely a great snack to have and provides protein!